

mque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo invent ore veritatis et perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem wed ut perspiciatis

company achievments & milestones

mque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo invent ore veritatis et perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem wed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium dolore mque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo invent ore veritatis et perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem illo invent ore verita-tis et perspiciatis unde quae ab illo invent ore veritatis et perspiciatis unde omnis harum!

offering summary

This summary is intended to give a general overview about the IPO, however, it should not be used exclusively, to make investment decision about the offering. Accordingly, it is highly recommended that all prospect investors diligently review the IPO prospectus and its risks section prior to investing.

company arabian international healthcare holding company
Issued capital 200,000,000 (two hundred million Saudi riyal)
total number of shares 20,000,000 (twenty million shares)
Par value 5,000,000 (five million shares)
Free Float % 25 %


event date
Processing Qualified Investors (Non-Individuals) Applications and Book-Building Period sen SUN NSO tor yeh ae From 30/01/2022G to 03/02/2022G
Qualified Investors (Non-Individuals) Subscription From 09/02/2022G to 14/02/2022G
Deadline for Qualified Investors (Non-Individuals) to submit Subscription Application Forms Based eee Ceo From 09/02/2022G to 14/02/2022G


targeted investors

Offering of the Company’s shares is directed only to two Groups of Qualified Investors as follows: Tranche (A): Qualified Investors (Non-Individuals):

  1. Capital Market Institutions acting on their own behalf.
  2. Customers of a capital market institution authorized to perform management activities, provided that the capital market institution has been appointed under terms that enable it to make decisions to accept participation in the Offering and to invest in the Parallel Market on behalf of the customer without the need for his prior approval.
  3. The Kingdom’s government, any governmental entity, or any international body recognized by the Capital Market Authority in the Kingdom, the Saudi Stock Exchange, or any other stock exchange recognized by the CMA, or the Securities Depository Centre.

Tranche B: (Individual) Qualified Investors: Natural persons who may open an investment account in the Kingdom and an account with the Depository Centre and meet any of the following criteria: (a) have made transactions in the securities market with a total value of not less than (SR 40,000,000) forty million Saudi riyals and not less than (10) ten transactions per quarter during the past 12 months; (b) the value of their net assets is not less than (SR 5,000,000) five million Saudi riyals; (c) is working or has worked in the financial sector for at least (3) three years; (d) has a CME—1 approved by the CMA; or (e) holds a professional certificate that is related to dealing with securities and accredited by an internationally recognized entity.

Offered Shares

Number of Offer Shares for Qualified Investors (Non-individuals): (5,000,000) five million shares, representing 100% of the total Offer Shares. If (Qualified Investors Individuals) subscribe to all the Offer Shares allocated to them, the Lead Bookrunner has the right to reduce the number of shares allocated to Qualified Investors (Non-individuals) to (4,000,000) four million Offer Shares, as a minimum, representing 80% of the total Offer Shares

Method of Subscription

Subscription method for Qualified Investors (Non-Individuals): Qualified Investors (Non-Individuals) are entitled to apply to participate in the book-building process, and the Lead Bookrunner and Bookrunner will provide the application forms to the Qualified Investors (Non-Individuals) during the book-building process. After the initial allotment, the Lead Bookrunner and the Bookrunner will provide the Subscription Application Forms to the Qualified Investors (Non-individuals) to whom shares have been allocated and which they must complete.

Subscription limits

The minimum number of shares that can be subscribed to by Qualified Investors (Non-individuals): (10,000) ten thousand shares.
The minimum number of shares that can be subscribed to by Qualified Investors (Individuals): (10) ten shares.

Allocation and Refund

Method of Allocation for Qualified Investors (Non-Individuals): The initial allocation of the Offer Shares will be made at the discretion of the Financial Advisor in coordination with the Company, using the discretionary share allocation mechanism. The Offer Shares will be finally allocated to Qualified Investors (Non-individuals) through the Lead Bookrunner after the Qualified Investors (Individual) subscription process is completed. The number of the Offer Shares that will be initially allocated to the Qualified Investors (Non-individuals) participating in the subscription is (5,000,000) five million shares, representing 100% of the total Offer Shares, bearing in mind that if there is a sufficient demand from Qualified Investors (Individuals) in the Offer Shares, the Lead Bookrunner has the right to reduce the number of shares allocated to the participating classes to (4,000,000) four million Offer Shares, as a minimum, which represents 80% of the total Offer Shares after completing the subscription process of the Qualified Investors (Individuals).


Arabian International Healthcare Holding Co. announces the distribution of cash dividend for Fiscal Year 2021

Arabian International Healthcare Holding Co. announces its Annual Financial Results for the Period Ending on 31-12-2021.

2021 Annual Board Report

Arabian International Healthcare Holding Co. Announces the signing of a definitive Joint Venture Agreement with UNILABS DIAGNOSTICS AB

For more information and prospectus, please visit the website of:

  1. Capital Market Authority

For any Investors queries kindly send email to

Important Resources